Our Executive Committee is a group of visionary pioneers who have made substantial impacts in the veterinary practice. Each officer offers a distinctive blend of knowledge and proficiency, enriching TVMAA with their diverse backgrounds and insights.
Dr. Derrick Jones, Jr
Dr. Jennifer Miller
Dr. Jerome Williams
Dr. Temeri Wilder-Kofie
Dr. Quentin Wilson
Dr. Antonio Jackson
Dr. Barbie Wicker
Dr. Tomeshia Hubbard
Dr. Gerald Givan
Dr. SanYvette Williams-Foy
Dr. Ebony Gilbreath
Dr. Adam McKee
Historian/Ways and Means Committee
Dr. William Watson
Capital Campaign Liaison
Dr. Saralyn Smith-Carr
Speaker Program
Dr. Leland McGlaughlin
Eminent Associate Liaison
Email: tucvm1945@gmail.com